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时间: 2023-03-13 22:37 来源: 考研小编
  也就是会发现这些文章基本都是考察书信类或者告示类。通过类型可以解决P1, P3(第1、3段)的问题。





也就是会发现这些文章基本都是考察书信类或者告示类。通过类型可以解决P1, P3(第1、3段)的问题。


• 问题解决型:建议信、投诉信
• 自荐他荐型:推荐信、申请信
• 情感交流型:道歉信、感谢信、祝贺信、慰问信
• 信息类型:辞职信、邀请信、倡议信、询问信、介绍信







I am a… who…

As a … who…, I am …



I am exceedingly delighted/sorry/disappointed to hear the news that





Therefore, I am writing the letter for the purpose of doing something…


第三段: 1-2句

• 1)表示感谢:

• It would be highly appreciated if you could ….


• 2) 期待回信

• I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.






1. 校园文化
   2. 活动举办类
   3. 文化习俗类
   4. 个人能力类


第二段: 填充素材(找到相对应的话题,任选两点即可)

1. 校园文化类:

英一:2012 欢迎+建议信 (国际学生来你校)2014 公务建议信(提高学生体质)2016 通知(介绍图书馆)

英二:2011 祝贺+建议 (祝贺考上大学)2015 告示(为高中生举办夏令营+招募志愿者)2016 祝贺+咨询信(询问翻译建议)

• 图书馆类:

• 藏书:Our library houses a vast collection of books, journals, multi-media audio-visual materials both at home and abroad.

    • 服务时间:The opening hours of our library will be 13 hours. It opens on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m..

    • 扩大视野: You could make full use of various learning resources boasted by our library.

• 锻炼身体类:

• Opportunities for students to exercises, such as sports meeting, would be of great value for students.
    • 学生参加运动会等锻炼的机会对学生来说是非常有价值的。


• 去参加课外活动:

• 参加各种校园活动是势在必行的,这会给你带来更多实践XX的机会,激发你对XX的热情,帮助你适应这里的校园生活。
    • It is imperative for you to participate in various campus activities, which will bring more opportunities to practice XX, arouse your enthusiasm for XX and help you adapt to campus life here.


• 与人交流沟通:

• It is advisable for you to communicate with your classmates more. It is communication that enables you to build up friendship, trust and mutual understanding.
    • 你最好多和同学交流。沟通能让你建立起友谊、信任和相互理解。

2. 活动举办类:

• 活动主题:

• With the increasing popularity of(主题), there has been a heated discussion on its positive and negative effects. Therefore, I suggest that the activity can be centered on XX.
    • 关于城市居民日益普及的 (主题),人们对其积极和消极的影响都参与了热烈的讨论。因此,我建议该活动可以以XX为中心。


• 时间地点:

• The contest(比赛)/meeting(会议) /ceremony(典礼)/debate(辩论) could be held on next Sunday, December 29th , 2021 in the auditorium(大礼堂)/Student Activity Center of our university(我们学校的学生活动中心). It will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last for 3 hours.


• 欢迎邀请人:

• 你受到了广大学生的欢迎。
• You have won the popularity among the students.
• You are admired by all the students.


3. 文化习俗类:


• 在中国许多旅游景点中,也许最好的是XX。一旦欣赏,永不遗忘。
• Of many tourist sites to visit in China perhaps one of the best is XX. Once seen, it is unlikely to be ever forgotten.

• 紫禁城:

• 故宫博物院,又称紫禁城,是明清两朝的皇宫。它也是现存最大的中国古代建筑
• The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is also the largest piece of ancient Chinese architecture currently existing.

• 中国美食:

• 火锅与其说是一道菜,倒不如说是一种体验,它充分地展现了中国文化中关于团圆的概念。
    • Hotpot is not so much a dish as an experience, which embodies the concept of reunion in Chinese culture

• 节假日:

• 随着人们越来越关注中国的节日春节,红包,饺子,春联也被越来越的外国人所熟知。
    • With increasing attention being paid to Chinese festival—the Spring Festival,red envelopes, dumplings and Spring Festival couplets are also known by more and more foreigners.

4. 个人能力类:

• 学校成绩:

• I have completed all the required undergraduate courses with satisfactory scores.
    • 我以优异成绩完成了所有必修的本科生课程。

• 英语表现:

• Official copies of my transcript and of my TOEFL and GRE scores indicate that I have a great command of English.
    • 我的成绩单、托福和GRE成绩的正式复印件表明我的英语很好。

• 工作经验:

• Last summer vacation, I worked as an XX for two months. I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for this job/post.





